Day 33! Yippee!

No more early mornings. No more big bad burns. No more radiation!

My heart is full. Lots of sweet support from friends this morning, encouragement from doctor and his staff, and even a tearful prayer and celebration of Gods faithfulness with another new patient in the radiation waiting room. And now I head home to a husband who has been a great baby-daddy for dirty diapers and breakfast for 33 mornings and the little guy who makes every day sweeter.

Bye bye Baylor! You’ve been good to me but I will not miss our daily time together.

Thanks for the prayers and encouragement and support during the last intense portion of my treatment. We certainly aren’t done but we have so much behind us. And God has shown that He is bigger than cancer. The big C is Christ – not cancer. He’s been good. So have y’all. With tears I sit in the parking garage that has become all too familiar and proclaim that HE HAS SUSTAINED ME! And Y’ALL HAVE BLESSED ME!

With love and THANKSGIVING!