H is for Happy. And Houston. And Hotel.

Can’t wait to share the good news from Houston … Major support from Houston’s super renowned and knowledgeable (not to mention kind and instructive and helpful…) Dr. Osborne for the clinical trial we have a spot in. We are so thankful! The trial we can do isnt even available out of his hospital so it’s a blessing that our own Dr. Osborne and her team member, Dr. O’Shaughnessy, are part of the research team in Dallas. It’s super complicated and way too hard for this Aggie or Red Raider to explain but in laymans terms I will get access to 3 drugs simultaneously that, Lord willing, will block my cells’ access to their beloved estrogen. He confirmed what she said about the aggressive and crafty nature of my cells who are able to grow and multiply even though we’ve removed their access to estrogen (with hysterectomy and medicine). And, another bonus of the trial is that I get more frequent scans than insurance would normally cover. Blessings blessings blessings. In Scotts simple words, ‘it couldn’t have gone better.’ And have I mentioned I love my Dr. Osborne in Dallas?! I texted her with an update and she texts me back asking me to come in today to sign consent paperwork and do necessary pre-trial clinical work on Monday (EKG, eye exam, bloodwork…) so she can get me started on the meds, Lord willing, as early as next week. And these aren’t meds that are readily available nor ever been approved to be used together so this is a HUGE BLESSING! And the Houston Dr. Osborne said he thinks there’s a 50-60% chance of a positive response – a positive response would mean cancer stops growing even if doesn’t shrink the tumors. We feel very thankful and HOPEful today. And even have confirmation about next steps if these don’t work – his ideas the same drugs that our own doctor had mentioned. And, as both have said, if/as the Lord sustains my life on these meds that gives more opportunities for more advances in medicine that could be available to us. Have we mentioned we are thankful?!

Sweet and precious moment for me to watch Scott shake Dr. Osbornes hand and thank him. Then, he got teary eyed as he said, “and we are thankful for you and other doctors who have devoted their life to medicine and school and this career which provides hope and life for my wife and our family. I don’t know if you hear that enough so I just want to thank you.” Such words have never been so true. And same goes to you Jen and Trevor and Jenny and Bethany and Trey and Chris and Kamilia and Jeff and Cindy. I just called my surgeon and oncologist by their first names as I consider them among my other friends … I am wild and crazy and living on the potentially-disrespectful edge! We feel so humbled and honored to participate in this study because, Lord willing, we can help women and families in the future. As I prayed w my PNG (pink not grey cancer sorority sisters) yesterday we all choked up knowing that many have died before us while doctors and others sought the treatment plans we have available now.

On a much lighter note, let me warn you not to mess with my Mel by messing with her friend, Jen. Mel and Gulley and I met as Diamond Darlings at A&M (for you non Aggies don’t trouble yourself with trying to figure that out) and while Mel is all popular and extroverted online (aka Big Mama) she is in reality a woman who chooses friends carefully and slowly (not sure how she chose me because though much in common there are many differences!) and likes to keep those she loves near and dear. She is much more of an introvert than her compadres of Gulley or me. But let me tell you – she is one LOYAL friend. And, if by chance, you are one of those near and dear friends and you need anything (like roof over your head for trip to Houston) she is on it. Before I asked or mentioned hotel to anyone (have I mentioned the Lord’s provisions for us?!) she had offered her dad’s second home in Houston and was gonna overnight the keys since he’s not there (because a lot of people from San Antonio have a vacation home in Houston, right?!). I’ve been a guest of her Mimi and Bops on more than one occasion through the years so knew the Villa Marino would be just perfect and restful and fun. Unless of course the keys don’t arrive as promised by 10:30 before we leave town. And Mel didn’t want to just get her tracking number and look it up online but took her not-so-happy hiney back to the mail store to inquire about her precious package. And she may or not have, as Gulley described it, ‘gone postal’ and let them know through many tears that you can lose her Christmas package but don’t you know better than to lose the keys for her friend Jen who has CANCER!?!? In college, when my dad was real sick, Mel one time used my dad’s story (as if it was her own dad) to get out of a speeding ticket. While I had done the. same thing with same story (except it really was my dad!) and I still got the ticket! She’s smooth like that. I had the temptation to call the store and warn them to find the package or she would make them pay. And they paid alright. For my hotel room with the heavenly bed across the street from my doctor’s appointment. And let me assure you that was a small price to pay compared to would have happened if she unleashed her thousands upon thousands of Big Mama faithfuls on to the company that wears brown and shall remain nameless. As I wrote to Mel and Gulley and Bops earlier today…
“Dear Unnamed Postal Service, we thank you for our heavenly bed and convenient access to our doctor. We are glad you took the fair warnings from the crazy lady in Alamo Heights who, may or may not have told you, is big time and could have ruined you. There could have been a national moms boycott of your services. The cost of this hotel was nothing compared to the price you’d have paid. We thank you. And whether or not you know it you should be very thankful that you listened to crying crazy lady in the store. Thanks for making things right and thanks for the big hug and support you gave that crazy lady who loves me so much she would cry at the threat of me not having everything I need.”

We have happy hearts and big thanks to doctors and all the friends and family that make sure we have ‘everything we need’ from Christmas presents to personal shopping to a decorated house to meals to slumber parties for Linc while we are away to offers for nanny or housekeeper to the ministry of presence after hard news to place to stay and even unexpected check to help with insurance and deductible costs! And, in between all of that, countless texts and emails and messages of encouragement on blog. And, the sweetest of all, prayers and pleadings to our heavenly Daddy who has promised ‘to supply all of our needs according to the riches of His grace in Christ Jesus.’

– Sent from I45 north during crazy rain with excitement to get home and, once again, surrounded by those we love and who love us so well!

Ps Pic is of me checking in to doctor and offering insurance card for zillionth time. And because we love Scotts Aunt Sue (Smith who is also battling stage 4 breast cancer) we loved that the name of the generous donors are Lester and SUE SMITH. We love you Aunt Sue and are fighting and praying right alongside you.


36 thoughts on “H is for Happy. And Houston. And Hotel.

  1. Love you, Jennifer! Praying for you. A privilege to know you… and learn from you. You are a gift to each of us! xx from Nashville…

  2. God is on your side. I came to you from Melanie’s blog….you look so much like someone I know that it shook me when I saw your picture just now….praying for you and thinking everything is going in the right direction and more importantly that your attitude of “let’s do this!” and that you know that time that this buys allows for more medical advancements.
    Cancer sucks.
    Are you familiar with Cleaning for a Reason? They clean houses for FREE for people on chemo. There are limits but hello clean house. Find them on the google.

  3. I’m busting into a cheer right here in the middle of the nordstrom parking lot!! P is for Praise!! G is for God!! I say PRAISE! You say GOD!!!

  4. HUGE blessings raining down on you from Heaven! I have (like everyone else I have been non stop praying for you and your doctors) driving around with just me in the car talking to God, late at night, early early in the morning, walking the dogs etc….and, will continue on and love to hear this wonderful news!!!!

  5. God loves you and so do I along with so many. He will see you and bless you through this horrible disease and with all the prayers certainly nothing but good things will happen. Anisse

    Sent from my iPhone


  6. Rejoicing right along with you. Surprised? Not one bit. We asked this of God and you received. Praise and continued prayers !!!!

  7. So glad to read this update. Continuing to pray for you all and sharing your posts on Facebook so others can pray as well.

  8. Been praying for you and will continue to! Laughing at our conversation about Nordstroms on Sunday – life is constantly being put into perspective for me – and I am grateful for you and your family! God is Good!

  9. Such a great update! Praying a lot for you Jen and Scott! Thankful for the mountains God has moved to get you there so quickly and for faithful friends like Mel. What a gift!!!

  10. jen, I am so excited you got in to this clinical trial. thankful for the hope it has given to you and Scott and will pray for a great response to the treatment. We love you guys!!

  11. We’re shouting Praise the Lord for this news, Jen and Scott! So amazing that you are getting this clinical trial and that you have the doctors you do! Yesterday we read Ps 61:2 and thought of you: “When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I”. Love you and always praying

  12. Amazing news all around, love your joyful heart, and love the Mel story!! I came here from her blog and just love her!! God bless, and praise God for the wonderful hand He’s had in your appointments and decisions!!

  13. I’m one of your new blog readers who found you via Mel’s blog. I loved the story about Mel. How great is it to have friends who will move Heaven and Earth for you. As much as I want to have friends like that (and I do!)…I want to BE a friend like that. I am praying for you.

  14. Jen and Scott and sweet Lincoln-
    We are praying praying praying for your family! Marty grabbed me a few weeks ago as we were walking out of WM and told me the news- and we both bawled our eyes out as we walked out. Bawled again as we shared with the Beloved ladies and prayed over you. And again this morning as Todd shared your story and sweetest video ever with all of us. And wouldn’t you know it was on a morning I brought my cute little clutch purse….with NO ROOM FOR KLEENEX…so sweet Luke had to ensure me reaching over to wipe my tear and snotty

    • …teary and snotty hands on his jeans over and over again. Please laugh! But sweet friend- every one of those tears is from a heart that has so loved ministering and serving with you over the years. Watching the Lord bring Scott and Linc into your life. Watching your love for our Beloved ladies as they have grown in their faith!
      We are standing with you guys and believing in a God who is good. Even in the midst of the yucky. Standing in the faith of a God who has overcome! Loved Todd’s admonition to us this morning- “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.” We are taking heart with you, my sweet Jen. Love you so! Many many prayers for your family.

  15. My heart hurts for you and rejoices with you at the same time. We have a good Father that carries us and does miracles everyday. I love you sister!

  16. You’re an unmatched inspiration. You have no idea how many people you reaching out to, giving hope to, and encouraging. This is the plan God has for you and you are following it beautifully.

  17. Pingback: Do not be afraid - Big Mama

  18. I have been keeping up with you through Melanie and just wanted to let you know what an inspiration you are. As a breast cancer survivor of 11 years (I was 38 when diagnosed and like you, had to have my ovaries removed at 39), it is amazing to me to hear the many advancements since 2004, AND the many more to come with the courageous women warriors like you who so bravely enter the clinical trials. Anyway, you know attitude plays a big role in cancer outcomes (my opinion) and I have no doubt your attitude is spot on to beat this thing! My best to you this Christmas and THANK YOU for entering the unknown in the world of medicine and science that will benefit so many in the future.

  19. So thankful for a good report and encouraging news! I too came to your story through Melanie’s blog and although I am a proud UT ex, I think we can all agree to disagree for the greater good! : ) I pray you will have a sweet time at Christmas with your family and that in the days ahead The Lord will give you all exactly what you need as you need it to sustain you. (And you are so right about Brown, Melanie could have shut them down if she wanted to with all her followers.)
    Merry Christmas and peace to you and yours. xoxo

  20. Dear Jen and family …. what a wonderful Christmas gift to get accepted, on treatment so quickly. Your so blessed with great and loving doctors/staff. The Lord is on your side and your Dad is right there with him! Love you and prayers continued!

  21. Praying for you and your family and I laughed and cried at the description on Melanie’s blog regarding her trying to get that key to you guys in time for your stay in Houston. I am so thankful that she is your friend (and that I have one or two friends who would threaten to bring down a postal empire for another friend in need!). I am so thankful that God led me to Melanie’s blog today, which led me to yours and to read this post as well as the previous one, “Sweet Suffering.” I sent both links to my friend, who doesn’t have cancer, but has had to suffer much at the hands of people who are not so nice, and has had to rely more than ever on God’s provision for her and her family. On top of her job/career change and move, they are awaiting for a doctor’s appointment for her mother-in-law, who may also be looking at a cancer diagnosis. During the “Sweet Suffering” post, the comments about “connecting the dots” reached out to me as I had already used that term about three times today in reference to something else entirely, but it was all strangely interconnected. His ways are mysterious, but always timely and lovely! I pray that your posts are encouraging to my friend and her husband, and that God will continue to bless you, Scott, and Lincoln; and that you have a most blessed Christmas!!

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