“Thanks Lord…”

… were the first words out of Scott’s mouth when I called him with the results from the scan. Dr. Osborne is encouraged – as are we. In her words, “Everything looks stable.” In the world of stage 4 metastatic cancer, this is considered good news! Their goal is to stabilize and slow the progression of the disease. Barring a miracle (and I believe God is able if He wills…), the goal of her treatment is to stabilize the disease to prolong my life. So we are very thankful. I know the Lord has my days numbered and He has had them numbered since before I was born. I trust him with many more days or a few more. For Lincoln and Scott and my family and friends’ sake, we are especially thankful, today, for indications of more instead of less.

Praise be to God. He is in control. And He loves me.

35 thoughts on ““Thanks Lord…”

  1. Jeremiah 30:17 – “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord…” I am praying that HE chooses to continue to stabilize and then heal…completely…or remission… or whatever keeps YOU here. Thank you Jesus for a stable scan.

  2. Praise God for His goodness! God answers our prayers. Such good news. Praying you will continue to move in the positive direction and feel better! Love you!!!

  3. So glad for your good news and yes the Lord does love His children! He is so faithful and new mercies He shows each and everyday! My son has been a cancer patient at MD Anderson. He is young but very wise in this comment that he claimed….” I am healed either way and either way a winner! Whether I go home or stay here I am blessed!” I pray for your healing and to have lots of energy!

  4. And you are do loved by many Jennifer! Praising God for today’s news, and continuing to pray for healing miracle. Thanks for your your encouragement to all of us following you and Scott and Lincoln. For the good days 😊 and not so good days 😖, pointing us to our faithful, mighty God. ❤️Ps. 52:8-9.


    From the thumbs of HotRod to Heaven


  5. Oh Sweet Girl I truly believe in miracles. My dad, many years ago, had stage 4 lung cancer. He was given 6 months to live. We were given another 17 years with him. So yes…I believe in God and his love and his miracles that happen every day. Praying for you and your family and your friends and the doctors for their wisdom. Hugs and kisses.

  6. I love the news… but love your perspective even more!! So thankful that you allow us into your journey. Love you, friend!

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